
Sunday, November 29, 2015

2012 Barbie Dolls Of The World Spain X8421

2012 Barbie Dolls Of The World Spain X8421 (1)


Anonymous said...

[Cut to Sesame Street]
Bob: Wow!
Gordon: I just hope our ride gets here soon.
Gina: Oh!
Susan: Oh.
[The five human cast members of Sesame Street - Gordon, Susan, Bob, Gina and Mr. Hanford - enter a limo only to discover that the driver other than Grover]
Gordon: Boy, this is some ride!
Gina: GROVER? You can drive a limo?
Grover: Of course. They don't give hats to jut everyone, you know.
Mr. Hanford: Maybe we'd be better off in a cab.
Bob: Yeah.
Susan: Or the subway.
Gordon: Or the MIR Space Station.
Bob: Listen, Grover. Are you sure you know the way to Radio City Music Hall?
Grover: No.
Gordon, Susan, Bob, Gina and Mr. Hanford: What?
Grover: But do not have to know. This automobile has a computer system. I tell it where I want to go and it gives me a video map of how to get there.
Gina: Oh, well, I, I guess if you have a map.
Grover: Trust me. The trained chicken could drive this car.
Mr. Hanford: Is there one available?
Gordon, Susan, Bob, Gina and Mr. Hanford: [laughing]
Grover: As a matter of fact, there is.
Susan: Oh, my goodness.
Grover: But tonight, she's serving peanuts. So buckle up. You got the fist of the coffee can.

Anonymous said...

Bert: Oh, this is terrific or what?
Ernie: Oh, it's good.
Bert: [laughing] I'm taking this chair here, Ernie.
Count von Count: 9, 9 seconds.
Cookie Monster: Om nom nom...
Count von Count: 8, 8 seconds.
Two-Headed Monster: What? Oh!
Zoe: I love this.
Count von Count: 7 seconds.
Big Bird: Aha.
Ernie: You know, Bert? This is going to be so much fun because, Bert. You get to be the director.
Bert: Yeah, yeah. Just like my hero, Alfred Sweatsock, director that timeless classic, "The Pigeons." [laughing]
Ernie: Ooh.
Count von Count: 3, 2, 1.